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    Chat With Us
    We offer 24-hour chat support
    Shopping Cart

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    - $0.00 USD
    Expected discount
    - $0.00 USD
    Coupon code discount
    - $0.00 USD
    Shipping fee
    - $0.00 USD
    Points discount
    - $0.01 USD
    You can use 0 points to deduct $0.00 USD
    Cost 0 Points
    Taxes and shipping fee will be calculated at checkout
    Taxes and shipping fee will be calculated at checkout
    - $0.00 USD
    Expected discount
    - $0.00 USD
    Coupon code discount
    - $0.00 USD
    Shipping fee
    - $0.00 USD
    Points discount
    - $0.01 USD
    You can use 0 points to deduct $0.00 USD
    Cost 0 Points
    - $0.00 USD
    You exceeded the maximum amount for checkout
    Taxes and shipping fee will be calculated at checkout
    Taxes and shipping fee will be calculated at checkout

    How to pay

    You can connect your PayPal, credit card, debit card or bank account to PayPal for purchasing some of our products. After submitting an order, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete the transaction.

    1.Log in to your PayPal account or use Credit Card Express;
    2.Enter your card details and the order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Then click “Submit”;
    3.Your payment will be processed and an invoice will be sent to your e-mail address;

    NOTE: Your order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Please ensure that it is correct and complete.

    Or If you don’t want to pay by PayPal, only want to use the credit card, you can click the “Check Out”.
    The “Payment” page will have a “Credit/Debit Card" option.

    Then you can use your credit card to pay for the order.
    Thank you !